Promo Planning

Quarterly Promo Planning is due to Marc 10-weeks out.

  • Q1 (July 1st-Sept 30th) Promo requests due by April 15th
  • Q2 (Oct 1st-Dec 31st) requests due July 15th
  • Q3 (Jan 1st-March 31st) requests due Oct 15th
  • Q4 (April 1st-June 30th) requests due Jan 15th

Promo Planning FAQ

Education Tools

» Ed Tools
» Promo Planning
» Promo Archive
» Class Descriptions NEW
» Planning Calendar

Promo Process Overview
Education Specialists plan their classes using the Promo Planning Worksheet (above).

2) Once the plan is finalized, they send it to the Communication Specialist (Marc) – See the due date to the left (top).

3) Communication Specialist creates promo flyers and calendar entries.

4) Communication Specialist sends newly created material to the requesting Education Specialist to proofread and check the accuracy of dates, times, links & verbiage.

5) Education Specialists respond with approval or corrections. If corrections are made, the process repeats until approved.

6) Once Education Specialist approves, the Communications Specialist sends it to Education Director for final approval.

7) Once approved, the Communication Specialist:

  • Creates Facebook Events
  • Adds to community calendars around the state (see list in FAQ’s to the left)
  • Plans and creates e-blasts (follows the same approval process described above)
  • Assembles the Quarterly Calendar (also follows the same approval process described above)
  • Plan and schedule timely social media posts promoting classes