Amblin’ for Alzheimer’s: Anchorage’s 19th annual success raises nearly $100K | Homepage |

The 19th annual Amblin’ for Alzheimer’s event in Anchorage was a big success.

The Anchorage Gold Course served as the backdrop for the two-mile walk and fundraising event.

A big crowd came out to support the cause, including a few notable faces like Mayor Dave Bronson and Senator Dan Sullivan.

Your Alaska Link’s Trill Gates had the honor of MC-ing this wonderful event that raises money for Alaskans battling Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.

“I’m keeping his memory alive, and hopefully other people won’t have to keep a memory alive because they’ll still have them,” said participant Destinie Stephenson.

“We have family members that have dealt with Alzheimer’s. We’ve used the services and art links classes that Alzheimer’s Association of Alaska provides, and this is a fun way to come support them. And this year was super fun with the costume contest for Star Wars,” added walker Linda Gerwin.

Your Alaska Link was a proud media sponsor of this event! Nearly $100,000 was raised for the cause. You can still donate online.